1. All entry forms must be received at the address shown on entry form by the date specified on the form. Each exhibitor must enter on a separate form (extra forms are available online or may be photocopied from the schedule).
2. Entries are free of charge.
3. No late entries will be accepted on the day of the show.
4. Staging cards corresponding to the registered entries will be available on the morning of the show. Any addition or alteration to a card will disqualify the exhibit in that class and any exhibit without a card will be disqualified.
5. Entrants may submit a maximum of two exhibits in any one class.
6. Exhibitors must provide their own vases, plates etc.
7. All exhibits must be the bone fide produce or unaided work of the exhibitor (except Floral Art classes where flowers may be purchased). Entries in Divisions A and B must have been cultivated by the exhibitor and the show officials reserve the right to enquire into the source of supply of any exhibit, including the right to visit any exhibitor’s garden or allotment before or after the show. Co-operative entries (from clubs, groups, classes) are not permitted except where specified in the schedule. Craft work and photographs must have been completed/taken within the last 12 months.
8. The judges have the right to withhold prizes where exhibits are considered unworthy of them.
9. Photographs must be staged between 8.00am and 9.30am. Staging of other entries must be completed between 8.00am and 10.00am, after which time the venue will be cleared of all persons except officials on duty.
10. After judging has taken place, no exhibit may be removed or altered without permission until after the prize giving. All uncollected items (exhibits, containers, plates etc.) become the property of the Horsell Village Show committee. Entrants who remove exhibits early will forfeit their awards.
11. Prize money not collected on the day of the show will be treated as a donation to the show funds.
12. All reasonable care will be taken of all exhibits, but show officials accept no responsibility for any loss or damage that may occur, or for the return of exhibits not collected after the show by the exhibitor. The winning entry for the design of the cover for next year’s schedule will become the property of the show committee and will not be returned to the entrant.
13. Any complaint must be made to the Horsell Village Show officials before the show closes, accompanied by a £5 deposit. The deposit will be refunded if the complaint is upheld.
14. All trophies are the property of the Horsell Village Show committee. They must be returned to the show organisers by July 1st of the following year.
15. In Division C a Novice is a person who has not won a First Prize for Floral Art at the Horsell Village Show.