The show is organised by a sub-committee of the Horsell Residents’ Association.
New volunteers are always welcome. If you have any questions please contact We are specifically looking for help to erect and dismantle the marquees. Just an hour of your time could make a real difference.
There are no residential requirements. We welcome entries from everyone who wishes to take part.
Entry forms are available in the show schedule (you can photocopy the form if necessary) and on our website .Take or post your entry form to the address shown on the entry form by the closing date, normally a week before the show. Entry forms cannot be accepted on the day of the show.
Entrants can submit a maximum of two entries in a class.
You can submit entries which you made at an evening class provided you made them without assistance from another person. Unless the show schedule specifies that classes are for groups, entries must be made by just one person.
Entries must be brought to Horsell C of E Junior School between 8.00 am and 10.00 am, (photographs with Velcro (hook side) attached at the corners must be received by 9.30 am). On arrival you will be given an entry card corresponding to each entry which you must place alongside your exhibit. Stewards will be on hand to show you where each class is being displayed. Judging begins at 10.15 am and everyone except judges and stewards must leave the show marquees by then. The marquees remain closed to the public until judging has been completed. Whilst we make every effort to prevent visitors from touching the entries, this can be difficult to enforce. We protect cookery and craft items with cellophane after judging has taken place and have signs in the marquees asking people not to touch any entries. We cannot take any responsibility for items entered in the show.
We like to exhibit current items, so craft or photographic entries may not predate last year’s show.
Entries can not be removed before the prize giving has been completed around 4.30 pm to allow visitors to enjoy the full range of entries. Any items not collected when the show ends become the property of the Horsell Village Show Committee.
Trophies remain the property of the Horsell Village Show Committee and are held by the winner for one year only. If the trophy has been engraved with the names of previous winners then your name will be added to the list. In this case you should hand the trophy back at some point during the year and the show committee will make arrangements to have the cup engraved. In June the following year you must return the trophy to the show committee. The Horsell Village Show Junior Prize is kept permanently by the winner.